Projects tagged: INFRASTRUCTURE # Zoom


Zoom Cloud Meetings (commonly shortened to Zoom) is a proprietary video teleconferencing software program developed by Zoom. Zoom is a software company that offers a communications platform that connects people through video, voice, chat, and content sharing. It has a cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems. Zoom was founded BY Eric Yuan in 2011 and is headquartered in San Jose, California, United States.

FACTS (some)


#1 Alla fine del primo mese dopo il suo lancio, Zoom aveva 400.000 utenti, che sono saliti a 1 milione nel Maggio 2013.

#2 Durante la pandemia di COVID-19, c'è stato un notevole aumento nell'uso di Zoom per il lavoro a distanza, l'educazione a distanza e le relazioni sociali online. Nel 2020, Zoom era la 5° app mobile più scaricata al mondo, con 477 milioni di download.

#3 Il 22 Marzo 2021, Zoom ha annunciato che avrebbe iniziato a vendere la sua tecnologia di videoconferenza come un prodotto white-label, in modo che altre aziende possano incorporarla nei loro prodotti, con le chiamate che passano su Zoom ma senza portare il marchio dell'azienda.


#1 By the end of the first month after its release, Zoom had 400,000 users, which rose to 1 million by May 2013.

#2 During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a major increase in the use of Zoom for remote work, distance education, and online social relations. In 2020, Zoom was the 5th most downloaded mobile app worldwide, at 477 million downloads.

#3 On March 22, 2021, Zoom announced that it would start selling its videoconferencing technology as a white-label product, so other companies can embed it in their own products, with the calls running over Zoom but not carrying the company's brand name.



Marco De Mutiis,   Jon Uriarte,  

Project title

Screen Walks
